August 2023, Year XV, no. 8
Roberta Metsola
Expect the Unexpected
Telos: “Dealing with contingencies doesn't frighten me. After all, I am a mother of four.” However, not all contingencies have the same degree of seriousness. Which of the many that you had to deal with during your term required the greatest commitment and why?
Roberta Metsola: I've learnt in politics to expect nothing and to only prepare for the unexpected. So, of course when I took office in 2022, I knew that it was not always going to be smooth sailing. But I don’t think anything could have really prepared me for the variety of hardships I - alongside my colleagues in Parliament - have had to tackle.
Undoubtedly, the unjustified Russian aggression on Ukraine has been the greatest upheaval we were and still are faced with. This changed everything, challenged everything we stand for and brought unprecedented provocation to the world ...more
“Expect the unexpected, and be ready for anything.” This is the formula that Metsola imparts to the wannabe politician. A formula passed on to her by an illustrious predecessor, Antonio Tajani, as she tells. From this exhortation we have drawn the title of PRIMOPIANOSCALAc August interview where the guest of honour is Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament and a long-time politician. ...more