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Maria Palazzolo

Publisher: Telos A&S srl
Via del Plebiscito, 107
00186 Rome

Reg.: Court of Rome 295/2009 of 18 September 2009

Diffusion: Internet
Protocols - Isp: Eurologon srl

A member of the Fipra Network
Socio Corporate di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy



Telos Primo Piano Scala c

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.

March 2022, Year XIV, n. 3

Giorgio Parisi

The Wonder of Complexity

Telos: Why did you choose physics?

Giorgio Parisi: I was very interested in the exact sciences, mathematics and physics. Actually, as a kid, I was also drawn to astrophysics. I could also do calculations very quickly.
I started reading about the history of mathematics. I would go to the library and read everything in the encyclopaedias. However, they were never scientific texts, they were texts for a broad audience. My interest continued throughout secondary school, but I didn’t imagine, I never even tried to imagine, what I might do in university. I thought I would decide at the last minute. My father was absolutely convinced that I had to study engineering. In my house, we essentially talked about building engineering. For him, studying engineering was the ultimate for a person who was good at maths.
After graduating from secondary school, I started really reflecting on what I wanted to do ...more


A serious country must attract, cultivate and help scientists to grow, literally. This is what our interviewee this month, Giorgio Parisi, thinks. According to Parisi: “Teaching science is extremely important. Only if it is taught well can we recruit new young scientists. Science can only move forward if the new generations become interested in it, enrol in scientific faculties and decide to become scientists.
Yep, it’s really him. The Nobel Prize winner for Physics, and he agreed to do this wonderful interview for PRIMOPIANOSCALAc.
Just recently Parisi was also appointed chairman of the scientific committee that, by July of this year, will come up with the cultural project of the Città della Scienza, a science centre that will be built in Rome in the centrally located Flaminio neighbourhood ...more

the collection TWO, our way to
celebrate the tenth anniversary
of our monthly publication
Primo Piano Scala c.

the collection ONE, our way
to celebrate the first five years
of our monthly publication
“Primo Piano Scala c”.