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Telos' Blog

Oct, 2016

Legal adult at 18? Not yet or even earlier

Age of majority is a legal institute in each Country, but also a social convention indicating the threshold of adulthood. Being legal adult means to gain the legal “capacity to act”, i.e. to autonomously enter a contract and any other transactions ...more

Legal adult at 18? Not yet or even earlier
Sep, 2016

Senate of the Italian Republic: Parties and electoral reimbursements in 2016…starting from 2017, will they be abolished? 

A Decree of the President of the Senate laid down the distribution of subsidies for 2016 among those political parties with at least one Senator elected in every Region and in the electoral districts established abroad. These are called “electoral reimbursements” and they are allocated proportionally to the number of votes obtained and candidates elected by each party in the national Parliament and Regional Councils.       ...more

Senate of the Italian Republic: Parties and electoral reimbursements in 2016…starting from 2017, will they be abolished?